Wildlife photographer uses HP Media to promote environmental awareness of Icelandic wilderness

Iceland is a country of contrasts — a place of fire and ice. One of the largest unspoiled natural areas in Europe, this island nation’s dramatic landscape consists of icebergs, volcanoes, geysers, and lava fields. But Iceland’s pristine environment is facing threats from over-tourism and heavy industry.
Working in partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), an international organization devoted to wilderness preservation, photographer, Wim van Passel, is using his large format camera and his impressive photographic skills to bring awareness to environmental protection in Iceland. His images have been used for various campaigns to promote conservation efforts and to protect the natural wonders of the world. Van Passel donates all his images to the WWF and makes no money from his efforts depending instead on help from company sponsorships.
HP is proud to be a sponsor of this amazing artist and his quest to conserve the natural environment.
Van Passel prints on HP Premium Instant-dry Gloss Photo Paper which dries instantly and produces exceptional image quality on long-lasting prints that meet environmental objects with an FSC®-certification. “I would recommend this photo paper to anyone,” says Van Passel, “After 125 photographic exhibitions, I have never had a problem with the quality of a print.”
Offer your customers the reliability and professional-quality of HP Premium Instant-dry Gloss Photo Paper and other HP Photographic Paper designed for use with aqueous and latex printers. Make your own commitment to the environment one print at a time with the new HP Recycled Satin Canvas, made from 100% recycled water bottles.
To learn more about the WWF and Wim van Passel’s next adventure and to help him continue his dream to protect our natural environment, visit his website, TimelessMoments at http://www.tijdlozemomenten.nl/.